Friday, 31 October 2014


Chemo 19. and 20. I had at home. 

On the lounge. 

19. was easy. I was by myself. Kids at the grandparents place. I had a quiet weekend. Met friends for warm tea and warm waffles with melting ice creme. Yum!

Then I went to see a specialist for my back pain. To get some medication that helps me properly. Before the pain turns chronic. 

I started the new med's on Monday night. 
Got sick on Tuesday. 
Thought it was a tummy bug. 
Was sick all week. 

20. wasn't that easy. Feeling sick from a bug and having to take chemo on top: not easy indeed. 
Got even sicker. 
Met the new oncologist on Tuesday. 
Was ment to go back for blood tests on Wednesday. 
Couldn't move. 
The oncologist came to my place on Thursday morning to take my blood. 
By Thursday night I was feeling so bad he called an ambulance to drive me to the hospital. 

I spend a week there. 

I had an overreaction to the med's I was given for the pain. 
So they changed the pain relief. 
I'm a little better. But still have to vomit if I don't take my anti-nausea drops...and sometimes just because...

Friday, 10 October 2014


Susi is here. 

She came so we could go to a concert. Jan Delay. Just down the road. And after I'll take my chemo tablet. 

Annika came to babysit and off we went.  

It was great. It was fun. 

And hanging out at home after, with my two friends, made taking chemo like taking any vitamins...easy. secondary. 

Thursday, 2 October 2014


This chemo is kinda special. 
It's the first one I'll take at home. 
As a tablet. 
One gulp and done!

Easy as that...

But I'm still a little nervous. 

A friend came staying with me this weekend so I wouldn't be alone. It is a little strange...a little frightening not knowing if I will tolerate it as usual or maybe better or worse. So it's good not to be alone with the kids. 

I started having back pain again. 
Last week. 
The week off. 
I hope this chemo is gonna put an end to it.