Saturday, 28 March 2015


Chemo 33...

Pretty straight forward today. 

Except that from all the excess fat/water retention from being on cortisone, the nurse had trouble finding my port. 

But she is a good nurse!

She found it. 
She marked it. 
She got the needle in first go!


I did end up with quite a bruise though...but nothing to worry about. 

And I did use the time sitting at chemo to knit! 
I've been getting back into the knitting lately. It's such a relaxing thing to do. And so rewarding! 

I do struggle sometimes with my cramping fingers though. But it doesn't seem to be as bad as it is crocheting. 

The cramping is another side effect I just started having. 
I'm not sure from which of my medications...


Monday, 16 March 2015


I was dropped off at chemo by Suriya today. 

What more do I need? 

Chemo 32 ✔️
Getting stronger every day ✔️

Friday, 6 March 2015


Suriya is visiting a friend in Prag/Pilzen this week. 

So I've been ticking off appointments and things I needed to organise. 

And today I went to chemo. 

Just another thing to tick off. 

I can't believe how strong I've gotten. 
Even over the last couple of days. 
No more shaky hands. No more blurry view. I even managed to visit a friend on the third floor and I wasn't even out of breath getting up there! I didn't even need any time to recover! Sure I went up slowly, but still! Crazy! 

So today's chemo went quick and easy. 

In my favourite chair. 

What more do I need? 

Thursday, 5 March 2015


Chemo 30.

Sounds big. 

Sounds like it needs a big tick. 

Sounds like it deserves a big ✔️

And on another note: I got this amazing surprise! A parcel just for me! All the way from Oz!

Aren't those unexpected gifts the best?! 

I felt so pampered and special and thought of and happy! 

Thank you again my dear friend Peta! 💖