Getting send emails with our search criteria every day and finding myself checking the web pages anyway, just to double check I'm not missing anything.
It's a strange and funny thing going house hunting.
We realised we have a little different criteria and a lot different taste.
It's tiring going to viewings every day and trying not to be disappointed when the partner just couldn't see the potential you could clearly hear screaming of the walls: 'I'm perfect! Take me! I could be your family home!'
I tend to hear those voices pretty often and pretty clearly. But I'm usually the only one.
I guess I'm often a little too impulsive and emotional.
I seam to have this ability to totally ignore the fact that it is too expensive, or too dark, or on a loud and big street, or any other absolutely impossible factor you can think of.
Thank good there is a more sensible person in this relationship too. So we did not take the first place we looked at, we waited, and looked, and looked more, and a bit more.
And now we have found it. A place we both feel like we could be home at. A place big enough for us to live in and work in and have family and friends visiting and staying in.
A place my instincts went into overdrive and made my tummy jump up and down the first time I stepped over the door sill.
We have seen so many places (almost 30) with so many doors and now one of them is ours!
It was meant to be. We knew it straight away...and with a little help (thank you again, you-know-who-you-are) now it's ours!
Doors of Berlin... wie cool. In welchem Stadtteil seid ihr denn letztlich gelandet?